What I learned in Tri 1
- In tri learned I learned the basics about coding and impletmenting small coding projects like the snake game and the calculator
- I also learned how to work in a small group with new people I haven’t met before
What I learned in Tri 2
- In Tri 2 I learned how to learn of of other students and implement their code into my own game while also changing bits and pieces of their code
- I also learned how to teach to 20 other people about a topic I had to reasearch. This was a challenge because I am used to having the teacher give me code and having done all the reaearch
- Near the end of the Tri I was put in the managment team role where I had to manage a group of people which took a lot of communication between multiple groups
-Some challenges that I overcame was the game breaking multiple times due to the pull requests becoming reverted and some of the code conflicting with other peoples code
My Final Reflection
- In this class I learned how to work with a group of 22 people and overcome challenges.
- This class taught me a lot about real life and working in a 9-5 job with other people.
- This class was a really good class to take if you need to learn basic code and communication skills with big groups.