Final Blog

Pokemort Game

The first trimester my group of 4 created a basic gameabout exploring the world and talking to the teacher NPC (Mr Mort). This was a challenege for us because we have never learned how to code before so we had to use the reasources that we were provided with. In the end I think it turned out pretty well. Link here.

Snake Game

The snake game was a fairly simple where we were given the code and we had to modiy some bit of it. I decided to modify the snake color and the dot that the snake eat. This game was simple yet intriging and it is also in my blog

Level Four in the Mario Game

The level four in the mario game is a personal addition of what we want to add into the game. I decided to base it off of a show called “family guy” because I think it is a funny idea. Some of the things that I added are